I have always felt that I look at things a bit differently than other people. Maybe it’s an overt awareness of light, shadow, pattern; bits of magic in front of our eyes waiting to be seen. Most of my inspiration is found while walking in nature or in my neighborhood. I collect images of cracks in the pavement, spider webs, tree roots, branches, positive and negative spaces, a repeating pattern of windows on the side of a building or a cast shadow broken by a disrupted surface. All act as my muse.

As a mixed-media visual artist, I enjoy experimenting with and “cross-pollinating” materials and techniques. Painting, drawing, collage, cut paper and mono printing, are just some of the methods used in my work. Mixed media satisfies my need for depth of layers, dimension and translucency.

My past career as an exhibit designer. Drafting taught me to see spacial relationships from a plan view or aerial perspective. Architectural references and map-like qualities often show up in my work.

My work is process driven. I like to be in the moment, trusting my instincts as I work. I prefer quick marks, keeping the work raw for as long as possible. Each mark gives life to the surface. A mark can be additive (drawing) or subtractive (sgraffito or scratching). These marks can either hide or reveal previous layers creating a dialog of action and reaction. This back and forth is what keeps the work alive with energy and spirit until it declares its independence from me and begins a conversation with the viewer.

Making art gives me an endless sense of purpose and is the most effective channel to express my creative self.


Rod Bland Photography


Recently I had the pleasure to talk with Jeffrey Ebeling, Executive Director of the Clear Lake Arts Center, in Clear Lake, Iowa. The Clear Lake Arts Center’s Creativity Chat Series is about conversations with creative individuals from around the United States. The chats are designed to give you a glimpse into the creative thinking, process, and workspaces of artists and other creatives with the goal of inspiring viewers to engage in their own creativity.